Memo and link allows you to store links and store notes on your favorite topics.
Organizing the study and cultivating hobbies and interests with Memo and link is easy.
Links, video, forum website and personal notes only with a click.
Search, order and share your favourite argument and studies.
- create an argument
- choose the source (Books, Forum, Personal, Social, Video, Web)
- give it a title
- create the content of the source:
- you can use Share link from your browser, YouTube, etc.
- you can use the copy and paste of a link
- you can enter your source using the keyboard
- give an evaluation to your source
- view search and share your study subjects with a click.
- 创建一个参数
- 选择来源(书籍,论坛,个人,社交,视频,网络)
- 给它一个头衔
- 创建源的内容:
- 您可以使用浏览器,YouTube等的分享链接。
- 您可以使用链接的复制和粘贴
- 您可以使用键盘输入信号源
- 对您的来源进行评估
- 点击查看搜索并分享您的学习科目。